如果您想加入我們的聊天,需要下載 Substack 手機App(可用於 iOS 和 Android)。請注意,這個聊天是通過App發送的,而不是通過電子郵件,因此請確保打開推播通知,這樣您就不會錯過任何新的訊息。
以下是 Substack 的說明(英文),各位可以照表操課 :)
How to get started
Download the app by clicking this link or the button below. Substack Chat is now available on both iOS and Android.
Open the app and tap the Chat icon. It looks like two bubbles in the bottom bar, and you’ll see a row for my chat inside.
That’s it! Jump into my thread to say hi, and if you have any issues, check out Substack’s FAQ.